Monday, October 15, 2007


Environment as we all know is the nature's beauty, but due to lot of urbanization the environment is getting polluted day by day and the nature is losing its beauty.The main factor for urbanization is increase in population.There are many problems which arises due to the environmental pollution like Global warming, depletion in ozone layer. Due to Global warming the temperature of our earth has increased 2 degree celsius in last hundred years, if this continues in the same manner then there is a lot of problem for the whole world.The ozone layer in atmosphere prevents the harmful ultra violet rays,which causes skin cancer, of sun coming to earth.Many steps have been taken by the international as well as national bodies to prevent environmental pollution and they also had done well, they all are trying to reduce the amount of green house gases, but there work can be only improved by our help, today it is necessary that every one should have to know about the importance of environment and have to take measures to keep it safe and clean.According to me every one in the world have to grow atleast one plant in their whole life,to protect the greenery of nature and its not a tough job, today world is running very fast so nobody has time but by doing so there is everyone's contribution in saving the environment .

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