Wednesday, October 31, 2007


Maladevi temple is located in Gyaraspur tehsil of Vidisha district,which is at a distance of 35 km from it, on the Sanchi-Khajuraho highway.The town's name is derived from the big fair which is used to happen on the 11th month of every year.The temple was built in 10th century and it was once a Hindu temple but was later converted for use by the Jains, this fact can be visualize by seeing that there is a figure of a goddess occupying a block on the outer door frame and some other decorative sculptures also indicates that the temple was originally dedicated to the goddess of Hindu and then it was subsequently appropriated by the Jains. And now the shrine room and hall is occupied by the Jain images.
This temple is very attractive and one of the beautiful site near Vidisha which is liked by most of the tourists, it is situated on the slope of a hill overlooking the valley.Located on a huge platform cut out of the hillside and strengthened by a massive retaining wall, the temple is in fact an imposing and stupendous building. It comprise an entrance-porch, a hall and a shrine surrounded by a circum ambulatory passage and the Mandapa has two small balconies on both the sides.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007


One of the interesting place to see in Vidisha is Lohangi Rock ,an isolated sand stone peak at the center of the city.The rock is about 6.087 m high and have a flat top diameter of 9.129 m.It is one of the main objects of historical and tourist interest in Vidisha.This sand stone peak is named after Shiekh Jalal Chisti who was also called as Lohangi-Pir. The view of Vidisha city from the top of the rock is very beautiful and also one can imagine that a long rock peak at the center of the city, creates what a scenic beauty.Each and every area of the city is visible from the top of peak.The tomb of Lohangi-Pir(title of Shiekh Jalal Chisti) and an old covered masonry tank are present at the top of the Lohangi rock.On the western side of the rock there is a low mosque with two Persian inscription inside.One of the inscription is dated 1460 A.D ,belongs to Mahmud Khilji-1 of Malwa and another inscription is of Akbar, dated 1583 A.D. At the top of the rock there also present a bell capital of huge Buddhist pillar which is famously known as Pani- ki- kundi.

Monday, October 29, 2007


Bijamandal temple was built in 11th century A.D and it was demolished in 1682 A.D during the reign of Mughal king Aurangzeb and a mosque was erected at the same site using the material of the temple. And due to this reason only it is a controversial site.From an inscription carved on one of the pillars of the original temple it is evident that the temple is devoted to goddess Charchika, Vijaya is another name of this goddess after whom the temple is called Vijayamandir. And the same inscription also recorded the name of Parmara king Naravarman. This mosque is the center of attraction for the Muslims, the Muslim clerics called it as Alamgiri Masjid whereas it is locally known as Bijamandal Masjid. Excavation conducted on the site by the Archaeological Survey of India(ASI) in the year 1971-1972 bought in to light many facts which shows the in humanity of Aurangzeb and the condition of secularism in India.Though it had been known fof a long time that Bijamandal is a tepmle and the mosque is built on it then also, Namaz at E-id time continues up to 1965, thereafter the chief minister of M.P banned Muslim worship in what was a protected ASI monument.The ASI was doing well and it had cleared many facts but then also the excavation work was stopped by the congress government in 1993. The Bijay Mandir is a very important archaeological site and therefore its a shameful act of the government that they are not starting the excavation work even on the demand of the localites here.

Sunday, October 28, 2007


Heliodorous pillar is located at a distance of 4 km from Vidisha railway station.The pillar was erected around 110 B.C by Heliodorous , a Greek ambassador of Indo-Greek king Antialcidas to the court as the Sunga king Bhagabhadra.The pillar is locally knowm as Khamba baba. A monolithic, free standing column, the pillar bears inscriptions which states that it was a Garuda pillar, raised in honour of lord Vasudeva.There are two inscriptions on the pillar. The first inscription describes in Brahmi the situation of Heliodorous and his relationship to the Sunga and the Indo-Greek kings.The second inscription on the pillar describes the spiritual content of the faith supported by Heliodorous. These inscriptions are particularly valuable historical record, revealing both the relations that existed between the region and the Greek kingdoms of the Punjab, and the remarkable fact that a Greek had become a follower of the Hindu god Vishnu.

Saturday, October 27, 2007


Udaigiri caves is a archaeological site of antiquities and is located at 6 km from Vidisha between Bes and Betwa river.This site is mainly known for its ancient rock cut temples excavated in an isolated stand stone hill, which extends to a km long and 11o m high.There are 20 gupta cave shrine dated back to the period from 4th to 5th centuries A.D. Eighteen caves are of Hindu and 2 are of Jain.The caves are mostly small chambers , enshrining idols or images of various dynasties carved in to the rock of hill. The caves and other remains found at the site shows that the site has passed through the influence of Buddhism, Jainism and Hinduism those days.An inscription in one of these, states that it was produced during the reign of Chandragupta-2 (382-401 A.D), thus dating these caves to 4-5 A.D. The caves have been numbered according to the sequence in which they were excavated, particularly spectecural is cave 1 , which has a fontage adapted out of a natural ledge rock ,thus forming both the roof of the cella and its portico.Cave 5 in which lord Vishnu is depicted in his Varaha (Boar) incarnation holding aloft an one tusk the earth goddesses Prithvi. There is another sculpture of lord Vishnu in the reclining postures. Cave 9 has 2.5 m high pillars, long portico and pillared halls.Cave 7 was build for the personal use of king Chandragupta-2.Cave 20 has detailed Jain carving .All these caves have been cut in to a sandstone hill and have all the distinctive features that gave Gupta art its unique place.

Friday, October 26, 2007


The Udayeshwar temple is dedicated to lord Shiva and is situated in Udaipur village near Ganj Basoda, a Tehsil of Vidisha district. One can visit to the temple either by road or by train, the road is from vidisha to udaipur via ganj basoda and by train one should have to go Bareth, a station on the main line of central west railway is at a distance of only 10 km from udaipur.The better option is to go by train because the condition of road is not very good.According to one of the old sanskrit inscription found here , Udaypura town was founded by the Parmara king Udayaditya during 11th century A.D and he built this temple dedicated to lord Shiva and named it as Udayeshwar temple.A big Mela is organized here every year on Shivratri ,people from nearby places comes here for the worship of lord Shiva.

Thursday, October 25, 2007


Vidisha is one of the important district of M.P situated in the fork of Betwa and Bes river. It is at a distance of 56 km from Bhopal and 10 km from Sanchi.Till 1956, its name was Bhilsa and after that it was renamed as vidisha for its close proximity to that glorious city of great antiquity. Also Atal Bihari Vajpayee former prime minister of India won his first election from Vidisha. The Emperor Asoka was governor of Vidisha and it finds mention in Kalidasa's immortal Meghdoor.The ruins of a Brahmanical shrine at Vidisha dedicated to lord Vishnu reveal that the foundation bricks were cemented together with lime mortar, the first known example of the use of cement in India.The ruins are the remains of the oldest possible known Brahmanical stone structure, dated not later than 2 BC.Vidisha museum has a superb collection of Besnagar's earliest antiquities,dating from Sunga period ,19th century sculptures and terracotta objects ,representing the art that flourished under Parmara patronage ,are also well represented in the museum. There are many places near to Vidisha which are very famous for tourism mainly they are of the ancient antiquities.

Monday, October 22, 2007


Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology ,MANIT , is the very best engineering college in M.P and one of the best institution in India.Qualified students from all over India comes to this college and makes their future bright .MANIT has maintained its dignity over last 47 yrs but now a days due to some of the reports published in the newspaper, which are totally false, people are creating wrong image of it.The reports are published that from last 4 or 5 years the administration of college is recruiting the faculty members by taking bribe without taking in to concern about his/her qualifications but there are some facts which will prove that this report is wrong like , as from the very starting of the college, the students passed from the institute are very skillful and are able to cope up with the challenges of evolving industrial needs of the country , but if the faculty is not well qualified, as according to the reports, then how it could be possible because with the help of the faculties only the students are getting knowledge and they are capable to do great work in the in the Indian industry. The reports are erroneous , everyone knows that the institute is still producing very well qualified engineers.

Saturday, October 20, 2007


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Wednesday, October 17, 2007


The term medical tourism means to get well medical facility at low cost during the tour to any city. Bhopal can be a nice place for the medical tourism but the government of Bhopal is not taking it in any concern. According to the doctors of Bhopal due the good medical facility like there are specialist in knee replacement,urology,cardiology,dental and eye care, cosmetic surgery,it can be a nice place for medical tourism.Tourists are interested in getting good medical facility side by side when they are on any tour. Also, the interest in Ayurvedic medicine is increasing now a days among the foreigners and according to the Sanjivini Ayurvedic Sansthan the medicines which are available here are not available in any part of the country.Many foreigners are coming to the Sansthan continuously for their treatment by ayurvedic medicine.By seeing all these factors also the government is not taking any step to promote the medical tourism . There is a need of more medical agencies in Bhopal , the medical agencies helps the tourists in giving sufficient information about the medical facility of the city.Once the government starts up some medical agencies then Bhopal will also famous for its medical tourism.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007


The blog action day,15th of October, is a very important day and it is one of the reason that how the bloggers can change the world.On the blog action day all the bloggers write on the same topic in their blogs and therefore there are lots of views on that topic and what the people are thinking about it.The topic is of great concern on that day it just makes the people to get aware of that topic and suggest or express their views. And everyone who is reading about that topic will come to know about the importance of it.This time the topic was Environment, i think that the topic was well chosen because now a days environmental pollution is a big problem which the world is facing.This problem can be handled in better way when every one is concerned about it and should take steps or just simply help to maintain the environment.For more information or promoting the day just click Bloggers Unite - Blog Action Day .

Monday, October 15, 2007


Environment as we all know is the nature's beauty, but due to lot of urbanization the environment is getting polluted day by day and the nature is losing its beauty.The main factor for urbanization is increase in population.There are many problems which arises due to the environmental pollution like Global warming, depletion in ozone layer. Due to Global warming the temperature of our earth has increased 2 degree celsius in last hundred years, if this continues in the same manner then there is a lot of problem for the whole world.The ozone layer in atmosphere prevents the harmful ultra violet rays,which causes skin cancer, of sun coming to earth.Many steps have been taken by the international as well as national bodies to prevent environmental pollution and they also had done well, they all are trying to reduce the amount of green house gases, but there work can be only improved by our help, today it is necessary that every one should have to know about the importance of environment and have to take measures to keep it safe and clean.According to me every one in the world have to grow atleast one plant in their whole life,to protect the greenery of nature and its not a tough job, today world is running very fast so nobody has time but by doing so there is everyone's contribution in saving the environment .

Sunday, October 7, 2007


This structure is located in Old Bhopal on a major road to Shahjehanbad near to Lalghati.It is also known as Martyr's gate. This structure was built during the reign of the Nawabs as a memory of the local heroes. At present, it has been transformed into a memorial for the freedom fighters of the Independence movement.There also is an ever-glowing torch in honour of local heroes.

Saturday, October 6, 2007


Gufa Mandir is situated near Lalghati, which is at a distance of 9 km from the Bhopal railway station, in a hill having many natural caves lies this ancient temple. It is very beautiful place stands for its natural beauty and for the ancient art. It is believed that this temple was rediscovered in 1949 by Swami Narayandas. Built like a staircase, the huge precincts of this structure are adorned by the idols of Rama, Lakshmana, Sita, Lord Shankar, Lordess Durga and Hanuman.

Friday, October 5, 2007


Fish Aquarium situated near Raj-Bhavan an old assembly hall,which is 5 km from Bhopal railway station. It came into existence on 31st May, 1977. Covering one hectare area fish house is built in fish like structure. It attracts visitors a lot. Fish house is a double storey structure. Upper portion has forty glass aquariums, where various species of living and colorful fishes can be seen. In the Fish house one can see Golden Shark, paradise blue, Rosy Barb, King Kobra, Golden plata, Golden Gormi, Tiger Barb, Black Moor and King Zebra. In the lower section are 26 big aquariums. Here is kept collection of fishes brought from state and national lakes ,rivers and ponds. Among these can be seen Rohu, Katla, Mirgal, Sawal, Padin, Collet, Ticto, Pencil-Fira and Bam fish. Fish hose is open for visitors from 1st April to 30th Sept from 1 pm to 8 pm and from 1st October to 31st March from 12 pm to 7 pm.


Bharat Bhawan is established in February 1982, and is located on a particularly beautiful site - a gently sloping plateau overlooking the Upper Lake and the historic city of Bhopal across the water, i.e at Shyamla Hills which is at a distance of 6 km from Bhopal railway station.Bharat Bhavan is a centre for innovative creativity, pursuit of classics and tradition and wide participation in a new cultural upsurge. One of the most unique national institutes in India, Bharat Bhawan is a center for the performing and visual arts. Designed by the renowned architect Charles Correa, its contours merge in exquisite harmony with the landscape creating a visual impact of spacious and national elegance. It is a multi-arts complex providing interactive proximity to the verbal, visual and performing arts. It is a place for contemporary articulation, exploration, reflection and innovation. The multi-art complex is a unique cultural hub that is renowned countrywide, with its art gallery displaying a permanent exhibition of the works of a number of contemporary Indian artists and sculptors apart from a tribal museum displaying the rich cultural heritage of Madhya Pradesh. It is a must-visit for art connoisseurs. Many eminent artistes have performed here and its directors include many of leading artistes of the country.

Bharat Bhavan consists of the following units :

  • Roopankar
Museum of Fine Arts Roopankar is the only Museum of Arts in India which houses both contemporary urban and folk and tribal art. It has been established with a view to set up a historic collection of urban, folk and tribal art.

  • Rangmandal
A Repertory Rangmandal is a professional repertory to create a sustained theatre movement that becomes a way of life rather than spasmodic activity. Rangmandal has at its disposal an indoor Theatre called ANTRANG and an outdoor Theatre called BAHIRANG.

  • Vagarth
A Centre of Indian Poetry VAGARTH, the centre of Indian Poetry has a library of more than 7,000 books of poetry in 14 Indian languages and recordings and video-cassettes of major poets.

  • Anhad
A Library of Classical and Folk Music Anhad, A Library of Classical and Folk Music - work of documenting both classical and folk music and organises musical concerts.

  • Ashram
A Residence for Guest Artists.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007


The Birla Museum is located at Vallabh Bhawan in Bhopal.The Birla Museum displays the varied aspects of Madhya Pradesh's rich cultural and historical heritage. The objects on view date from the prehistorical period onwards. There are palaeolithic and Neolithic tools and implements, a scale model of the Bhimbetka rock shelter with its prehistoric wall paintings. On view are also stone sculpture dating from the 7th to 13th century from the state's numerous archaeological sites, terracotta dating from the 2nd century BC to the 6th century AD, coins and manuscripts.

The attraction of museum are a triple form (trimurti) of the goddess Durga. Durga, center, seated in heroic posture atop her lion vahana and holding attributes of Shiva, is flanked by standing Durgas which hold attributes of Vishnu (left) and Brahma (right) and also Vishnu as the cosmic bar which is of Paramar dynasty of 13th century

Tuesday, October 2, 2007


The Archaeological Museum in Bhopal houses a splendid collection of sculptures brought from various parts of the state The museum in Bhopal provides a sample of the rich traditions of the state. The museum devoted to archaeology , is very interesting place for the lovers of History. It is located on Vanganga road, which is 6 to 7 km from Bhopal railway station. The State Museum was established in 1949. It exhibits antiquities like coins, sculpture, terracotta excavated from all the significants sites of the region. The State museum also exhibits porcelatin objects, metal and ivory toys and artifacts, woodcarvings and number of miscellanecous items like needlework and local handicrafts.Also on view are paintings and handicrafts, especially those made by the tribal communities of Bastar.The paintings from the Bagh caves at Mandu, and statues of Lakshmi, the Hindu Goddess of Wealth, and of the Buddha makes it more interesting.
Further, you will find images of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva, the Hindu Holy Trinity of Creator-Preserver-Destroyer of the Universe.

Monday, October 1, 2007


Van Vihar is also known as Safari Park and is located on a hill adjacent to the Upper Lake, at a distance of 6 km from Bhopal railway station . Wildlife watchers can view a variety of herbivorous and carnivorous species, in these natural surroundings.

Open everyday, except Tuesday, from 7-11 am and 3-5.30 pm. This 445 hectares park is more of a zoo than a safari park, despite the promise of 'natural surroundings'. Luckily, if you are in the north during the monsoon, when all the national parks are closed, it's good to know you don't have to completely miss out on tigers, lions and crocodiles.
The animals are kept in their near natural habitat. Most of the animals are either orphaned brought from various parts of the state or those, which are exchanged from other zoos. No animal is deliberately captured from the forest. Van Vihar is unique because it allows easy access to the visitors through a road passing through the park, security of animals from poachers by building trenches and walls and providing natural habitat to the animals.